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Member Application

Welcome to The Chamber of Manitowoc County. We hope you will find great value in your membership, and we look forward to working on your behalf. General Membership: $457 (Plus $4.20 per full-time employee and $2.10 per part-time employee.) Subsidiary Memberships: $223 (Plus $4.20 per full-time employee and $2.10 per part-time employee.) Non-Profit Organizations with less than 10 employees: $230 Non-Profit Organizations with 10+ employees: $230 (Plus $4.20 per full-time employee and $2.10 per part-time employee.) Government Organizations/Schools: $457 (Do not pay for employees)

Step 1:

Member Info
Please add your company name.
Please add your company phone number.
Please add a valid email.
Physical Address
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.
Mailing Address
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.

Step 2:

Additional Info
Please select a directory category.
Please add your number of full-time employees.
Please add your number of part-time employees.

Step 3:

Primary Contact
Please add your first name.
Please add your last name.
Please add your phone number.
Please add a valid email.

Contact Preference

Create Account
Please add your login password.

Step 4:

Membership Package
Please select a Membership Package
Additional Options:
Payment Option
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