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Manitowoc Public Library Teen Services March 2025 Events

Manitowoc, WI, February 19, 2025—Manitowoc Public Library’s Teen Services March 2025 programming is scheduled with the following events and dates:
5th Annual Lakeshore Seed Swap                                               Saturday, March 1, 9 AM-12 PM
Join the Lakeshore Seed Collective in the Balkansky Community Room at Manitowoc Public Library for the 5th Annual Lakeshore Area Seed Swap on Saturday, March 1, from 9 AM to Noon. A seed swap is a no-cost seed exchange. If you have extra seeds that you aren't planting or you are looking for something to plant in your own garden, stop by MPL! Think of a seed swap as a potluck—but with seeds! There is no cost to participate and you don't need to bring seeds in order to take some seeds. Any vegetable or flower seeds are fine. There will be a box at the Library near the Main Service Desk on the First Floor where you can drop off seeds beginning on Monday, February 1. We'd appreciate donations of seeds ahead of time so that we have a chance to organize them.
Drop-In Chess Club @ MPL                                                        Wednesday, March 5, 6-7:30 PM
Want to improve your memory and concentration or practice logical thinking skills? Make a smart move and join us for Drop-In Chess Club at Manitowoc Public Library’s Second Floor Balkansky Community Room from 6-7:30 PM on Wednesday, March 5! The game of chess offers many brainy benefits—and it's just fun! Those of all abilities and ages (6-years plus, please) are welcome, but staff will not offer formal instruction. Chessboards are provided and library materials are available for further learning. No registration is required, but please remember that children under the age of 8 (even prodigies!) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Beat the Winter Blues Friends of Manitowoc Public Library Pip-Up Book Sale
Monday, March 10—Saturday, March 15, During All Regular Library Operating Hours
The Friends of Manitowoc Public Library are hosting a "Beat the Winter Blues" Pop-Up Book Sale on the Library’s Main Floor! Most items are just $1, including gently used books, CDs, and more. Cash or check only. This sale is a great chance to snag a cozy read as we wrap up winter and get ready for spring. As a bonus, your purchases will help support the awesome programs at Manitowoc Public Library.
Open Sew and Badging with Betty                                                   Monday, March 10, 2-3 PM
Resident sewing enthusiast Betty will be in the Idea Box bimonthly to answer questions and badge individuals on the sewing machines. Bring your own project to work on, or learn to make a simple project while getting badged! Anyone aged 13 and older is welcome. Registration is not required, but space is limited. Can't make the scheduled time? Contact Betty in the Youth Department at 920-686-3030 to set up a badging session.
Space to Write                                                                Tuesdays, March 11 & 25, 5:30-7:30 PM
Do you have a novel or short story you want to write? How about a screenplay or a memoir? Poetry? Graphic novels? Then you need—Space to Write! Every second and fourth Tuesday evening from 5:30-7:30 PM, the Franklin Street Room will be open to writers of all descriptions, from professional to novice. Come find your people in a community of fellow adventurers. Sit in the Chair of Inspiration! Take a risk in the Forest of Dares! Browse for new directions in the Prompt Marketplace! Seek wisdom from occasional wandering speakers and guest presenters! Above all, get comfortable with your creativity. This is your Space to Write.
Teen Hang-Out: ArtLab—Origami!                                              Thursday, March 13, 6-7:30 PM
Join us for a hands-on journey into the unique world of origami! Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, we'll be working together to transform simple sheets of paper into stunning creations. Supplies and snacks provided!
MPL Insider: Beyond the Books with Tim & Emily                           Thursday, March 20, 12 PM
For their March installment of “MPL Insider,” Tim & Emily will be welcoming a pair of from the MPL Management Team—Executive Director, Karin Adams, and Public Services Manager, Karen Hansen, to be specific—to discuss the upcoming “Murder Mystery at the Library” Manitowoc Public Library Foundation fundraiser! It’s the kind of chat that all-but-requires the viewer to procure a Monte Cristo sandwich and a pudding cup along with a flagon of sparkling Welch’s grape juice and settle in for some fun, nonlinear chit-chat! Materials Management Librarian, Lisa Pike, will also be virtually swinging into the online studio to chat about the new Playaway Audio Book Players for Adults Come with questions at-the-ready! You're bound to have some!
Learn About Libby: The Online Reading App                            Monday, March 24, 10-11:30 AM
The Libby app gives you access to thousands of free eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines that you can read online. Haven’t tried Libby yet? Join us on Monday, March 24, from 10-11:30 AM for a demonstration of Libby and receive hands-on assistance. Our staff will show you how to download Libby, search for titles, and borrow books. You’ll also get some helpful tips for navigating the app. This class is free for all ages and no registration is required.

  • Bring your reading device (tablet, smart phone, Kindle, etc.) and your library card
  • Have your passwords for your devices ready
  • For Apple Devices, you’ll need your Apple ID and password
  • For Kindles you’ll need your Amazon login and password.
Join us in MPL’s Second Floor Board Room Room and start enjoying eBooks!