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Manitowoc Public Library Youth Services March 2025 Programs

Manitowoc, WI, February 19, 2025—Manitowoc Public Library’s March 2025 Children’s Programs are scheduled with the following events and dates:
Family Activity Nights (FANs)                                                                         Tuesday Evenings
Join us Tuesday evenings at Manitowoc Public Library for something different and fun for the whole family! While this month’s FANs are geared towards younger children, older siblings are always welcome! Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. No registration is required for eith FAN event in March. Please check our Facebook page and event calendar for updates!

  • 4-H Fun with Animals—March 4, 6:30-7:15 PM Have an up-close experience as local 4-H members share their project animals. Learn about these farmyard friends, and make an animal-themed craft as well. This activity is open to children ages 3-11.
  • Play Around with Treehouse Theater—March 18, 6:30-7:15 PM Join us for a night of theatrical fun! We’ll play theater games to learn more about storytelling and character development. Not a performer? Not a problem! We’ll also discuss and examine all the different roles within the theater that help bring a production to life. This workshop is a great opportunity for students to learn more about theater and the variety of programming Treehouse provides to our community. This program is open to children ages 5-11.
Baby Storytime                                                                       Wednesdays & Thursdays, 9:30 AM
Baby Storytime is 20 minutes of stories, songs, rhymes, bounces, parachute activities, and bubbles, followed by 20 minutes of playtime! Baby Storytime is recommended for developmental ages 0-2 and siblings are always welcome. All Library storytimes are inclusive and welcoming. You are encouraged to attend the storytime that best meets your family's developmental needs. Registration is not required.
Preschool Storytime                                                            Wednesdays & Thursdays, 10:30 AM
Join us in singing, talking, reading, creating, and playing at this inclusive Storytime for families with preschoolers. Storytime focuses on concepts such as life skills, counting, colors, emotions, patterns, and the alphabet. It's a great opportunity to meet new friends, socialize, and strengthen early literacy skills. Storytime is recommended for developmental ages 2-5 and siblings are always welcome. All library storytimes are inclusive and welcoming. You are encouraged to attend the storytime that best meets your family's developmental needs. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Registration is not required.
Drop-In Chess Club @ MPL                                                        Wednesday, March 5, 6-7:30 PM
Want to improve your memory and concentration or practice logical thinking skills? Make a smart move and join us for Drop-In Chess Club at Manitowoc Public Library’s Second Floor Balkansky Community Room from 6-7:30 PM on Wednesday, March 5! The game of chess offers many brainy benefits—and it's just fun! Those of all abilities and ages (6-years plus, please) are welcome, but staff will not offer formal instruction. Chessboards are provided and library materials are available for further learning. No registration is required, but please remember that children under the age of 8 (even prodigies!) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Read to Certified Therapy Dogs                                              Tuesday, March 11, 6:30-7:30 PM
Studies show that children who read to animals, like our therapy dogs, gain confidence and improve their overall reading. Due to limited availability, registration is required. Each family may register for one 15-minute one-on-one session with a therapy dog. Adults must accompany children under the age of 8 at all times. Registration opens at 5 PM on Tuesday, February 25. Please call 920-686-3030 or stop by the Youth Services Department to sign up.
Little Steps - - Brush Your Teeth!                                          Friday, March 14, 10:30-11:30 PM
Join Little Steps, an engaging program for preschoolers designed to break down everyday tasks into simple steps. In this session, we focus on brushing our teeth. Through multimedia stories, catchy songs, and hands-on activities, children will learn how to brush their teeth effectively. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to join and support their kids in building healthy habits. No registration is required, but remember that children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Happy Healthy Heart Storytime                                    Wednesday, March 19, 10:30-11:15 PM
Get ready for spring with a healthy dose of stories and heart-pumping songs and movement activities for all ages. Our friends from HeartCorps and FoodWise will join us to share valuable information about eating healthy, staying fit and being your best YOU! No registration is required, but remember that children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Messy Marvins                                                                                  Friday, March 21, 10-11 AM
Messy Marvins—it's a baby art studio morning, baby!! We provide the supplies; you supply the creativity! Drop into the Balkansky Community Room any time from 10-11 AM on Friday, March 21, with your littles (babies to preschool age) for an inspirational artistic experience. Stay neat or get messy with our self-directed art stations and create a masterpiece to take home.
SENSE-sational Baby Storytime: A Sensory-Friendly Program
Tuesday, March 25, 10:30-11:15 AM
Turn down the lights, turn down the volume, and turn up for fun! If your little one finds Baby Storytime overstimulating, this sensory-friendly program of stories, songs, and bounces may be the perfect match! During this program, grown-ups will engage their littles in pre-literacy activities in a relaxed environment. Geared towards developmental ages of birth to two years old.