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Roncalli Catholic Schools receives monetary donation from volleyball tournament 2025

MANITOWOC, Wis. — Roncalli Catholic Schools recently received a donation. The proceeds came from the 50th Annual TRCC Volleyball Tournament and will benefit Roncalli athletics.
Tournament directors David Anschutz, pictured second from left, and Rusty Walesh, second from right, presented Nathan Kaderabek, Roncalli Catholic Schools athletic director, middle, with a check for $2,562 from the TRCC Volleyball Tournament. They are joined by Roncalli High School sophomore volleyball players Emma Hemschemeyer and Sawyer Rice. The tournament was sponsored by the Roncalli Athletic Association. Proceeds from the tournament offset the costs of youth sports programs at Roncalli Catholic Schools.  
“This longstanding event has made a positive impact on Roncalli athletics and engaging youth in our programs,” said Kaderabek. “We greatly appreciate the continued support of the TRCC Volleyball Tournament.”
Volleyball tournament donation, Courtesy of Roncalli Catholic Schools